Software Defined Radios Market - Forecast(2021 - 2026)

Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a type of radio communication system where software on embedded system or personal computer is used for communication instead of implementing hardware such as filters, amplifiers, mixers, detectors, demodulators and modulators, among others. In a SDR the data from a source is converted into digital format, the remaining activities are carried out with the help of software driven automated functions. Globally demand for software defined radios is being driven by military modernization programs of various countries and growing number of digital service users. However, integration of the various sub systems is a key for software defined radios market.
This report identifies the global software defined radios market size in for the year 2014-2016, and forecast of the same for year 2021. It also highlights the potential growth opportunities in the coming years, while also reviewing the market drivers, restraints, growth indicators, challenges, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and other key aspects with respect to software defined radios market.

Geographically, North America dominated the global software defined radios market, and Asia Pacific is projected to have the fastest growth, owing to military modernization programs of various countries in this region. Defence had the largest market in 2015 among all application; it constitutes 80% of the software defined radios market.

This report segments global software defined ratio market on the basis of type, end-user and regional market as follows:

Global Software Defined Radios Market, By Type (2014-2021): Ideal Software Defined Radio, Baseband Software Defined Radio (BBSDR), and High Frequency Software Defined Radio (HFSDR)
The report is also segmented on the basis of end-use industry in which software defined radios are being used as follow: Defence, Commercial, Homeland Security Segments, and Others
This report has been further segmented into major regions, which includes detailed analysis of each region such as: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), and Rest of the World (RoW) covering all the major country level markets in each of the region

Sample companies profiled in this report are:

BAE Systems Plc
Datasoft Corporation
ITT Corporation
L3 Communications Corporation
Elbit Systems Ltd

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